Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Article for Discussion: New Deal Corporatism

Resolved: That The US Government Bailouts Of Big Business Unjustly Punish Average Americans

Hey folks. Please check out these articles.

I think "free market" (more eloquently stated) and "economic liberty" might be potential values.

I'm not sure if we will cite these sites, but we can use them to build our arguments.

Please post comments for discussion.


Debate Meeting- November 12th

Main Issues:
Government Intervention Vs. No Intervention
Supply Side Economics Vs. Pump Priming
Keynesian Economic Vs. Free Market
Social Democracy Vs. Fascism


US Government: the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States.
Bailouts: A rescue from financial difficulties
Big Business: large business, commercial, and financial firms
Look up- what is statistically defined as “Big Business”? “Small Business”?
Unjust: not just; lacking in justice or fairness.
Punish: to inflict a penalty for an offense, fault, etc. (Can be used for Affirmative)
Average: typical; common; ordinary
Average income- $50,233