Sunday, December 14, 2008

Vocabulary - December, 15 2008


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Debate Meeting 12/10/08

Official Definition of BAILOUT: Situation in which a business, individual, or gov't offers money to failing businesses in order to prevent the consequences that arise from the businesses downfall. Can be given in loans, bonds, stock or cash.(Investorpedia)
--Bailouts mititgate a problem with a one sight view of profit in the end

Gov't bailouts would not be necessary if workers didn't join unions and worked as self contracted workers--in the south this has been shown to result in cheaper cost for GM.

Bailouts re-industrialize America. It re livens the auto and eco industry to bring more jobs

Auto industry is a strong part of our economy.

If the industry were to fail America exports in culture which would result in gained income in other industries throughout the world to fund our gov't.

Manufacturing jobs used to be the solid job of the working class, it gave them a plausible income and benefits.

"Without conditions it's not a bailout, it's a welfare check for industries/blank check."

Numbers have shown that the cost of saving the companies would be cheaper than paying off all the employees, and in the end saving the company would result in strength of the industry.

The gov't needs to put mandates and regulations on bailouts to ensure that the money will be put toward rejuvanating the company and not going to ceos salaries,etc.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Article for Discussion: New Deal Corporatism

Resolved: That The US Government Bailouts Of Big Business Unjustly Punish Average Americans

Hey folks. Please check out these articles.

I think "free market" (more eloquently stated) and "economic liberty" might be potential values.

I'm not sure if we will cite these sites, but we can use them to build our arguments.

Please post comments for discussion.


Debate Meeting- November 12th

Main Issues:
Government Intervention Vs. No Intervention
Supply Side Economics Vs. Pump Priming
Keynesian Economic Vs. Free Market
Social Democracy Vs. Fascism


US Government: the executive and legislative and judicial branches of the federal government of the United States.
Bailouts: A rescue from financial difficulties
Big Business: large business, commercial, and financial firms
Look up- what is statistically defined as “Big Business”? “Small Business”?
Unjust: not just; lacking in justice or fairness.
Punish: to inflict a penalty for an offense, fault, etc. (Can be used for Affirmative)
Average: typical; common; ordinary
Average income- $50,233

Monday, May 26, 2008

Y'all ready?

Tomorrow's the big day!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Right to Privacy Links, Negative

Using Social Security number to identify medical records Using Social Security number to identify medical records


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Turn to the Right Homework 5-7-08

Use the Reagan Years Packet to answer the following questions.

1. Discuss the election of 1984? Why do you think that Reagan won such a resounding victory?

2. Discuss the policy differences between Reagan and Mondale.

3. Why do you think people called Reagan the "teflon president" and the "Great Communicator?"

4. Discuss the Iran-Contra affair. What do you think it revealed about Reagan's presidency?

5. Discuss the critiques of Reagan's fiscal policies. Include a quote from the text.

6. Discuss the impact of Reagan's fiscal policies on blacks and Latinos.

7. Discuss the evolution/transformation of jobs during the Reagan era.

8. Who was Robert Bork?

9. Discuss Reagan's meeting Gorbechev.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

10M children worldwide die from lack of health care

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Link to New York Times Article: Sunday, May 4-Healthcare Premiums Rise for Insured

Friday, May 2, 2008

Some More Affirmative Thoughts

If someone breaks into Paris Hilton's mansion, she will probably call 911. We don't suggest that because she's rich, she doesn't need access to the police--or deserve access to the police any more or less than any one of us.

Conversely, having access to the police department doesn't deprive Paris Hilton of her right to hire a personal bodyguard to protect her from the paparazzi.

So why does the negative team keep arguing that facilitating access will somehow take rich people's choices away?

Perhaps they would rather we lived in a feudal society where the ruling class hire private knights to protect them from danger and the rest of us live at their behest.

We believe that nations should be democratic--that people should share the resources. Don't we all at least deserve the basics? Isn't that why the Declaration of Indepedence says that all men are created equal? Isn't that why the Constitution asserts that governments "provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare?"

Defense against invasion, harm or theft?

Defense against medical epidemics, pandemics, disease?

Is the health of individuals not an inherent component of general welfare?

Can we continue to call ourselves a just society while millions of Americans get up everyday, walk to the bus stop and ride for hours to make it on time to a job that pays minimum wage?

They wait our tables, cook us breakfast, pick our strawberries, mow our lawns. And you know what? If one of them cut his or her finger off, he or she would be out of work and out of luck with no access to medicine or care.

No one, with a straight face, can call that justice.

Some Affirmative Thoughts

Facilitated heathcare does not deprive people of choices. In the same regard, facilitated access to education doesn't mean that there are no private schools.

Facilitated access doesn't mean that one will not still have personal liberty.
In the same regard, access to sanitation doesn't mean that the government is going to come clean your house.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Canada Health Act Overview

Link National Review Article by John McCain

Some of this is a little policy oriented but I think we might be able to quote some of his rhetoric

Link to Social Security Administration History of Medicare

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Link to Nation Magazine Article - Problems w Universal Heathcare at State Level

Link to Walmart/Health Insurance Article

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Vocabulary 03-04-08

Content Vocabulary (Turn to the Right)

Keynesnian economics
High Tory
military-industrial conference
"security moms"
welfare state
Progressive Era

Generic Vocabulary (Turn to the Right/Democratizing 20th Century)


Monday, March 3, 2008

Affirmative Values

Affirmative Values Research
February 25, 3008
Affirmative Values:
Truly ensures the enfranchisment of everyone.
“A system of government by the whole population or all of the eligible members of a state.
Universal healthcare ensures and stregnthens the vibrancy of our democracy.
Anti-discrimination laws ensure participation, there should be laws keeping people of the nation functioning whether or not they are sick. This would ensure participation of everyone in the democracy.
Past has been difficult because of gender or race discrimination, but now democracy has become inclusive. The next step regardless of health status would be to facilitate healthcare in order to maintain a functioning democracy.
Supporting Putlic Welfare-
Preserves the longevity of a society, search New Deal (historic precedent)
Supporting- take portion saying “providing for common deffense” in preamble.
Welfare- health, happiness, and fortunes of a group.
Economic Prosperity-
Small business owners will not lose money by providing adequit healthcare. They will be able to continue to function in the business world.

Article Title: Laying the Groundwork for Universal Healthcare.
Author: Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D.
Notes on Article:
“Small firms can rarely offer a choice of plans. If a small employer provides coverage, it tends to be a single “one-size-fits-all” plan. Small companies rarely offer a choice of plans. While 81 percent of workers with insurance in firms of 5,000 or more employees had a choice of at least three plans in 2000, only 2 percent of covered workers in companies with fewer than 25 employees had a similar choice of at least three plans. Meanwhile, 95 percent of covered workers in the smaller companies had only one plan available to them.
“Medicare will consume 24 percent of income taxes by 2019, and 51 percent of income taxes by 2042.”
Article Title: Healthcare RX
Author: Sally Pipes
Notes on Article:
“She [Regina Herzlinger] sets forth a world in which insurance companies compete on quality, product design, and disease management-not on ability to attract health customers.”